
Showing posts from November, 2009

Underpainting for "A Beautiful Poisen”

Here is a shot of an under painting of an almost finished painting called  "A Beautiful Poisen."  I started this one a while back and it is almost finished!  Here you can see the white egg tempera underpainting on the red earth ground.  This is the early first layer stage of the painting that will provide the foundation for the colors.  Sorry for the awful photo w/ the shadow.   

Donation Canvas Finished

Here is the final painting...finished. For the holiday gala. Title: "The Prisoner" oil/egg tempera on 12 x 12 canvas Depicts a dove, trapped, in a tower-wearing a inquisition styled cap a nod to Goya`s Los Caprichos etchings. Holding a tarot card of The Tower-which has many readings-Oppression,Calamity,Imprisonment...and various other disasters... Event details---> Sa n Antonio Art League Museum: Fundraising silent auction happening at their first annual holiday gala.  The cost of the event is free. The gala will be at the Radisson Hotel, 502 W. Durango Blvd, San Antonio TX (the name of the hotel is changing sometime in Dec.) December 3rd 2009 from 6 to 10pm. Hors d'oeu'vre , beer and wine complementary and cash bar will be available.


Not such a great start to this weekend...had a pipe start to leak in the house and had quite a mess...wish I could go into art mode, had a lot of cleaning to do...then I found a baby rabbit in the pool...had to remove the poor little creature and bury under a tree...among the roots and say a silent prayer to send him back to the Great Rabbit in the sky...have a week to finish my donation canvas for the silent auction for the San Antonio Art League Museum least i started on it...apologize for the glare on the pic...I will update with finished pics soon!