My Solo Show "Crux" opens tomorrow!

Hard to believe that my solo show will open tomorrow...

Provenance Gallery is pleased to present, Crux, an exhibition featuring recent paintings by Kat Shevchenko.

"Crux is a documentation of the the internal world of the psyche in the moments of upheaval. When I came across the the word crux, meaning, the core, or essence of something resonated with me. I knew that was the impetus of what my current paintings' theme had been revealing. While I created them I was battling my internal morass with the need to reconcile changes that had transpired within and without. Life’s trials and struggles produce alchemical reactions that forever transmute the self. In Crux, I longed to capture the beautifully chaotic process of transformation at the pivotal moment as it transpires, or in the wake of its aftermath. This mysterious process is depicted in the feminine embodiment with symbols from the natural world to reveal what is simmering beneath the surface of consciousness. At times devastatingly emotional, at other times existentially retrospective, these are the introspective journeys within that are seldom seen."

Tomorrow, Nov 12, 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Provenance Gallery
1906 South Flores St.
San Antonio, Texas 78204


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